I would like to use this blog to provide a brief outline of some basic Christian Bible doctrine. Too many hold their beliefs for no other reason that it sounds good, it feels right, or even that’s just what they want to believe with no concern for what the Bible actually says
I firmly believe that the bible says what it means and means what it says; and is not open to any private interpretation1. For anyone to say something like “Well, I believe this means…” is imputing their own private interpretation instead of relying on valid scriptural authority for ones beliefs.
Many commonly held beliefs are due to a simple failure to know what the Bible actually says. In order to be able to discuss any position intelligently we must have a common authority that we agree on. For example, in the game of Scrabble you must agree on which dictionary will be the final authority for any word challenges, thus it is with Christianity, if we cannot agree on a final authority, then any discussion is nothing more than one person trying to convince another of personal beliefs, you believe what you do, and I believe my position, it is impossible to arrive at truth. we must agree on one authority to resolve any differences, else however can we agree on anything?
Thus, I believe that the King James Bible is the inspired Word of God in the English language and I hope to be able to present a factual basis here for that belief.
1 2 Peter 1:20
This is a work in progress and I will continue it this week…